virgin islands scene

Good nature will always supply the absence of beauty; but beauty cannot supply the absence of good nature.
-- Joseph Addison


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Let life humble you

Humility improves your experience, your effectiveness, your connection to what matters. Let life humble you.

Let life remind you that you don’t have all the answers. Let life surprise you with how limitless its possibilities can be.

Continually expand your awareness by realizing how small it always is. Add to the depth of your wisdom by being eager to confess what you do not know.

Arrogance is a lonely, frustrating, empty life. Genuine humility offers escape from such a disheartening state, and access to your highest possibilities.

When plans go awry, be thankful for the humbling experience. When others fail to understand or respect you, take the opportunity to let life humble you.

Let life humble you. And let that make you stronger than ever.

— Ralph Marston

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