virgin islands scene

It is no dishonor to be in a minority in the cause of liberty and virtue.
-- Sam Adams


Monday, January 7, 2019

Great treasure

There is a great treasure in this day. Find it not by looking for it, but by being an active part of it.

Be the eyes through which life sees its unbounded beauty. Be the hands through which good work brings new richness into the world.

Resolve to see the best in the people you encounter. Let them bring out the best in you.

Every small moment is an opportunity to to deepen life’s meaning, to add fulfillment. And this day is full of small moments.

From the soft rose hue of sunrise until brilliant stars are scattered through the night sky, this is your day to live. Remind yourself what a great treasure you already have and what an even better treasure you can now help to make.

For another beautiful day you can live, you can give, you can care, you can dare to love, to hope, and bring new goodness to life. Here is great treasure, ready for you to create.

— Ralph Marston

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