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It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.
-- James Thurber


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Make a miracle

Make life a little less lonely for someone today. Give the people who are with you in this place, in this moment, a fresh experience of kindness.

Breathe in the beauty, the wonder, of all that exists. Fill your heart with enthusiasm for the goodness that is now possible.

You have traveled a long and difficult way to arrive at this remarkable day. Take the opportunity to offer your love more fully and sincerely than ever before.

Consider that you are here to make a miracle, in your own unique way. You have the desire, the experience, the generosity to improve the lives around you.

Open yourself to the possibilities for doing so, and you’ll see them in abundance. Set your intention, and treasure your ability, to make a difference.

Look for those spots where the world has grown dim, and see if you can add some brightness. Let your love make a miracle, and nudge life a little higher.

— Ralph Marston

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