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The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.
-- Napoleon Hill


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Reward in the doing

Find your reward in the doing. If there are more rewards at the completion, consider them a bonus.

Go ahead and enjoy the rewards of a job well done, as you’re performing the job. Let the journey be the reward, and you’ll never give disappointment an opportunity to appear.

Seek not to get something out of it. Seek to put something good and valuable into it, and as you do, there’s much you’ll get out of it.

Fulfillment is not found in some idealized future outcome. Fulfillment is available for you to create and live here and now.

Aim toward a specific goal, work toward that goal, and experience its joy from the moment you begin. Feel the satisfaction of making a difference all along the way.

Let your good and useful effort be its own reward. And there will be no limit to the rewards you can enjoy.

— Ralph Marston

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