virgin islands scene

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
-- Edmund Burke


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Show up and do the work

What do you wish to achieve? Achievement happens when you show up and do the work.

You don’t need to stumble upon a clever hack. You don’t have to hope for a lucky break.

What to do, is show up and do the work. Do the work, day in and day out, with the commitment to make a difference.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. What it has to be is done, again and again, for as long as necessary.

The essence, the heart of achievement arises from putting your heart into the achievement. Show up, reliably, enthusiastically, and do the work.

You don’t need to be the world’s most gifted genius, yet your achievements can radiate pure genius. Just show up and do the work.

— Ralph Marston

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