virgin islands scene

An artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it.
-- Paul Valery


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Starting point

Make this moment a starting point for action. Make this day a starting point for new joy.

Don’t get stuck in the failures or successes of the past. Start fresh right now, and engage your best thoughts and efforts to create a great future.

Whatever mistakes you’ve made, you can now correct. All the skills you’ve developed, all the lessons you’ve learned, you can now put to good use in new and purposeful ways.

The part of your life that you can control, begins right now. Seize this shiny new opportunity and make the most of it.

This is your starting point for achievement, adventure, love, enlightenment and more. This is your starting point for living your life in the best ways you can imagine.

Feel the energy of all the new possibilities that have just been born. Now, from this great new starting point, jump forward and make those possibilities real.

— Ralph Marston

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