Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Give encouragement
One of the best things you can give to anyone is encouragement. It costs you nothing, it’s no trouble, and you can make a big difference in another person’s life.
Don’t be concerned about whether your encouragement is deserved or not. Encouragement, once given, seeks and creates its own justification.
Encouragement offers challenge in a positive, supportive way. Every person you encounter carries hopes, burdens, struggles, dreams, and will benefit from your encouragement.
Give genuine encouragement to others and it encourages you too. Encouragement connects you with your vision of the best life can be.
Encouragement feels good to receive and great to give. It is a powerful and beneficial acknowledgment that we are all in this together.
Instantly make your world a better place. Give encouragement at every opportunity.
Ralph Marston

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