virgin islands scene

Genius is the capacity to take infinite pains.
-- Thomas Carlyle


Monday, August 27, 2018

Problems no more

What makes something a problem is not the reality of the situation. What makes it a problem is your perception of it.

A smooth stone on the bottom of a riverbed does not have any problems. A star lighting up its own corner of the universe has no problems.

Each problem is a problem because you think it is a problem. Yet you can think differently.

You can choose not to label it as a problem. You can decide to focus on the benefits and opportunities in the situation.

You can work to embrace those benefits and to fulfill those opportunities. You can allow yourself to access more of the resources available to you, more of the knowledge and wisdom that can be yours.

Remind yourself of all you are, of all you can do, of all you know and love, of all to which you are connected. And problems are problems no more.

— Ralph Marston

previousEvery experience       Allow yourself to be next

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