virgin islands scene

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
-- Thich Nhat Hanh


Monday, July 16, 2018

Fresh possibilities

You’ve already lived yesterday. Don’t live the exact same day again today.

Many aspects of the past are comfortable and familiar, and you want to hold on to them. But holding on too tightly, too much, leaves room for nothing else.

Today brings fresh possibilities. Explore some of them.

Challenge yourself to add new substance, experience, and richness to your life today. Remind yourself that this is a unique day and you have the chance to live it in a unique way.

That doesn’t mean abandoning the habits and rituals that sustain your good life. Maintain continuity of the goodness, and add something new to it today.

Today is a unique opportunity. Live the opportunity thoroughly by filling this day with new and valuable experiences.

— Ralph Marston

previousDo all you can do       Grandest of opportunitiesnext

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