virgin islands scene

If we had no faults, we should not take pleasure in noting those of others.
-- Francois De La Rochefoucauld


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Purposeful life

Don’t let the next hour, the next day or month, steal your life away. Stand up and follow a purpose that means the world to you.

Make the passage of time work in your favor. Fill it with purposeful thought and activity.

Insist on being clear and unequivocal about your intentions. Point your life in a specific direction that resonates within you to the core.

Provide yourself with an unambiguous way to know when you’re making progress and when you aren’t. Enable yourself to make worthwhile use of your best skills, resources, and possibilities.

Your life is a lot of work. You owe yourself a level of meaningful fulfillment in exchange for all your effort and commitment.

Illuminate the opportunities, energize your efforts, and transform each moment into lasting treasure. Live the purposeful life you deserve.

— Ralph Marston

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