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Just do what you do best.
-- Red Auerbach


Friday, December 1, 2017

Glowing on the inside

How can you fill the day with ambition and focused action without erupting in stress and anxiety? Care greatly while also not caring at all.

Give personally without taking it personally. Involve your body, mind, spirit in the effort while detaching your ego from the result.

Do that, and challenge becomes a good thing, great in fact. Do that, and you’ll eagerly seek to jump into even the most demanding work.

The way to trap yourself in a giant blob of stress is to make it all about you. Fortunately, you never have to do that.

Be there, be involved, be a part, be effective, but don’t let it define you or dictate your attitude. Let what you do flow from who you are, from how you choose to feel, rather than the other way around.

Do the hard stuff, the complicated, difficult and rewarding stuff, without letting it be so hard on you. Keep peace, love, goodness glowing on the inside, and you can gracefully make great progress on the outside.

— Ralph Marston

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