Saturday, November 4, 2017
What you’re looking for
What you see depends on what you’re looking for. Take a moment and ask yourself today, what are you looking for?
If you’re looking for evidence that the world is in a mess, you’ll find plenty of it. If you’re looking for good reasons to be hopeful, positive, enthusiastic, you’ll discover an abundance of them.
Try as you might to experience purely objective reality, it’s just not possible. Because your experience has as much to do with you as with the experience.
With that being the case, you might as well make the best of it. Your perspective and your attitude have a powerful and unavoidable influence on your life, so choose to make them positive and purposeful.
You cannot magically improve the outer world by improving the way you think about it. What you will do, however, is to dramatically improve your success at dealing with it.
Look for the best in life, and expect to find it, to experience it, to live it. From your positive perspective you’ll find the energy, the resources, the inspiration and persistence to create positive results.
Ralph Marston

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