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Your world is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind.
-- Earl Nightingale


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

One glorious morning

Yesterday’s dark clouds make this morning’s sunshine brighter. Tomorrow, you’ll look back at today’s challenges with gratitude for having worked through them.

Suffering through a season of illness and pain will give you great appreciation for good health when it returns. The burdens of the present build new strength in you for the future.

If there had never been any darkness, light would be meaningless. You cannot fully experience how good life can be unless you’ve also known its difficulties.

Stand resolute when the hard times come, and take heart. Your experiences now are making the good times richer.

Yes, one glorious morning after the storm has passed, the sun will rise. As it warms your face, you’ll feel a newfound sense of determination and positive purpose.

Carry on, push forward through whatever may come. You’ll emerge from it better than you’ve ever been.

— Ralph Marston

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