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We are constantly invited to be who we are.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Friday, October 27, 2017

All in stride

Problems will come, and you’ll be able to handle them all. You’ve done it before and you’ll do it many times again.

Challenges will arise, and you’ll navigate your way through them all. All the while you’ll be adding to your skills, your experience, and to the value in your world.

Life will unfold precisely as it will, whether you worry about it or not. So find something other than worrying to do.

Some situations will go your way and others won’t. Be prepared for the ups, prepared for the downs, and in a position to take it all in stride.

Graciously accept the victories without becoming too complacent. Gracefully yield to the disappointments while at the same time drawing positive determination from them.

Though you don’t know exactly what it will be, you have everything to look forward to. Because you can take it all in stride and make the best of whatever may appear.

— Ralph Marston

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