virgin islands scene

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.
-- John Locke


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Really not so bad

Is it really so bad when you’re inconvenienced or delayed? Is it really so bad when someone says something you disagree with?

Is it really so bad? Or are you just in the habit of assuming it is?

Is it really so bad when things don’t go exactly the way you wanted? Is it really a good use of your time and energy to be offended, put out, anxious, angry, resentful?

Take a deep breath and be thankful. Smile, relax, look around at the beautiful, unique moment in which you’re immersed.

Many things are not nearly as bad as you assume them to be. Step back from those assumptions, from the stress and anxiety they induce.

Deal with the difficulties, but don’t add to them. Remind yourself it’s really not so bad, and get on with living a positive and joyful life.

— Ralph Marston

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