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The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.
-- William Cowper


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Opportunity in misfortune

Something negative, disruptive, disappointing has happened in your life. Use it to your advantage.

Opportunity comes dressed in many forms. Great opportunity often comes dressed as misfortune.

Don’t waste that opportunity mired in feeling sorry for yourself. Jump into it with all you have, and discover how strong, resilient, capable, effective you can be.

When things look hopeless is when positive, aggressive action makes the biggest difference. Instead of shrinking from the moment, seize it and run with it.

Decide to redirect the energy of whatever is pushing against you. Take it and make it propel you ahead.

Embrace the situation, knowing you can make it work for you. Success is there, ready for you to step boldly forward and claim it.

— Ralph Marston

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