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Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.
-- Robert Schuller


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Prepared to persist

Expect your first attempt to work. At the same time, be prepared to quickly make another attempt.

When your initial attempt brings the results you intended, great. If it doesn’t, there’s no time to waste feeling disappointed and sorry for yourself.

Expect to succeed, and be prepared to persist. If one or two or a dozen options are exhausted, quickly round up some more options.

Just because success isn’t immediate, doesn’t mean it is out of reach. Know there’s a way, and persist.

What looks like genius is most often persistence. Be prepared to make enough attempts, and just about any achievement is within reach.

With persistence, soft droplets of water wear away the hardest stone. Imagine what you can now do with the power of persistence.

— Ralph Marston

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