virgin islands scene

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.
-- Napoleon Hill


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Your response is your choice

Decide today that what used to drain you, will now energize you. Direct your thoughts so that what used to frustrate you, will now make you more determined.

Make the choice that what previously angered you will now make you eager to create an alternative. Adjust your attitude so that what once would annoy you will now motivate you to be more focused.

Your response to anything is always your choice. Base that choice on what is best for you, best for all you love and care about.

Consider that nothing is inherently frustrating, maddening, boring or dismal. Whatever you feel about each circumstance or experience is what you have decided to feel.

Choose what you will take from each event, how you will feel about each circumstance, each encounter, each day. Feel empowered, creative, compassionate, effective and enthusiastic about making a difference.

Don’t let random events steal the goodness from your life. Decide how you will approach all the moments, how you will see them, how you will live them, and fill them all with the best you can imagine.

— Ralph Marston

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