virgin islands scene

We become what we think about all day long.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Powered by intention

Worry renders opportunity invisible. Don’t indulge in it.

Panic sets off a cascade of mistakes. Make the choice to never let it take hold.

Knowledge, practice and familiarity remove the fear from whatever you undertake. Cultivate them to the highest degree possible.

Every action changes something, makes some sort of difference in your world. Let your actions be powered by your intentions, not by fear or worry or panic.

You have what it takes to thrive, to advance, to prosper in any situation. What it takes is smart, well-rehearsed, intentional, courageous action.

Decide not to succumb to negative emotion. Seize the opportunity by getting yourself engaged in effective action.

— Ralph Marston

previousRid yourself of painful echoes       Dig it outnext

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