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Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.
-- Andre Gide


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Live with passion

How long has it been since life stirred your heart? That’s too long.

If you’re not feeling intensely, you’re not living fully. Let passion carry you away, for passion will carry you to amazing places.

Substance matters, quality matters, excellence, awe and magnificence matter. Life is about so much more than just checking the boxes.

Bring to each moment the whole of your multifaceted self. Feel the confidence of all you are and all you know, the mystery of all that is beyond, unknown, unknowable.

Be more than a mere caricature of who you are supposed to be. Be your real, alive, enigmatic, passionate self.

Yes, be sensible, use your head. At the same time live with passion, feed your dreams, and follow your heart.

— Ralph Marston

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