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Winners never quit and quitters never win.
-- Vince Lombardi


Friday, June 30, 2017

Above the frenzy

Take a deep, slow, relaxing breath. Doesn’t that feel better?

You have much important work to do. But rushing, obsessive anxiety doesn’t add any value to that work.

If you’re always having to hurry, hurry, hurry, you’re not being very effective. Think of what a more peaceful, deliberate approach would look like.

Constantly checking for messages doesn’t make you look impressive or important. It actually makes you look a little desperate.

Sure, you want to grab opportunity the moment you see it, and deal with challenges as they arise. But that doesn’t mean you have to always live in a frenzy.

Have confidence in your purpose, in what you’re doing, and in your ability to get it done. Let that confidence power you forward, above the frenzy, in calm, peaceful, thoughtful and effective effort.

— Ralph Marston

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