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People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes.
-- Abigail Van Buren


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Claiming credit

When you’re mistaken, admit it. When you’re correct, let go of any urge to announce how right you are.

Even if what you’re bragging about is true, it’s still bragging. And humble bragging is worse because it is so carefully contrived.

Bragging hurts, and the person it hurts is you. It diminishes you in the eyes of others, and even more significantly, in your own view.

When you brag, you send yourself a negative message. You tell yourself your insights and achievements must be propped up, that they’re not good enough to stand on their own merit.

Do good, useful, productive, enriching things not just to look good. Do them for their own sake, because they are good.

Put your energy into what you’re doing, not into claiming credit for what you’re doing. And you’ll be able to achieve a whole lot more.

— Ralph Marston

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