virgin islands scene

There is good in everything, if only we look for it.
-- Laura Ingalls Wilder


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Give life your love

You don’t have to know everything that’s happening right now. You don’t have to fix everything that’s broken right now.

Your purpose is not served by reacting to every little twist and turn of events. Your purpose is served by taking the time to love, to learn, to know, to care, deeply and confidently.

Urgent matters of this moment are immediately replaced by urgent matters of the next moment. Eventually you realize not one of those breathlessly urgent matters, really matters.

Let peace fill you, and with that sense of peace, step away from the chatter. Though you hear the sounds, see the glitter, feel the tension, none of it has to get to you.

Life is better to you when you are patient with it. And patience is always possible for you, no matter what the rest of the world is doing.

What matters is love. Call upon your patience, your kindness, your purpose, and give life your love.

— Ralph Marston

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