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I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
-- Chinese Proverb


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Look forward

Do not regret the time you’ve wasted, for that only wastes even more. Transform regret into determination, and look forward.

Spend not a moment seething in resentment or assigning blame, for that only prolongs the pain. Forgive, breathe deeply, feel the power of your positive intention, and look forward.

Look forward, envision the good you can do, and begin to act on it, right now. Look forward, and let the vision pull you toward it.

Don’t rest on achievements you’ve already achieved. Use what you’ve done as a starting point to do more, and look forward.

Look forward, eager for the journey, for the effort you can give. Look forward, see the difference you can make, and start making it.

Today is the beginning of the best part of your life. Look forward, and make it so.

— Ralph Marston

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