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Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding about ourselves.
-- Carl Jung


Monday, May 8, 2017

Live with vision

Look clearly at what is and then, look past it. Look, with eyes of wonder and positive expectation, at what can be.

See the world in all its rock solid reality and then, look a little further. Discover what good effort and strong purpose can build from such a reality.

Fall completely in love with life in this moment. Then push that love into the future and make from it a great vision.

Dare to expect the highest and best from yourself. Dare to see the good that has not yet manifest, and dare to make it be.

When others talk of trouble and toil, listen, understand, empathize. Then step forward with a great and shining vision, and make life better for everyone who lives it.

Know that the best is always yet to come. Live with vision, and live to make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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