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Don't look back. Something may be gaining on you.
-- Satchel Paige


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Find the good in what happens

What feels like a setback does not have to be a setback. It can be an opportunity to find a better way.

It’s easy to be thankful for all the things that go your way. Yet there’s even more power in being thankful when things don’t go your way.

You can find the good in what happens, whatever may happen. You can find a positive way forward from even the most difficult situations.

Everything is an opportunity when you decide to make it an opportunity. Just saying that doesn’t make it so, yet your actions and your attitude can make it so.

Even from the lowest point in the dark valley, there’s a path leading to the sunlit mountain peak. No matter where you are or what has happened, your next step can be a positive one.

Feel your faith, feel your courage, feel your strength and resilience, and take that positive step. You have much goodness to give, to live.

— Ralph Marston

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