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Practical people would be more practical if they would take a little more time for dreaming.
-- J. P. McEvoy


Friday, April 21, 2017

Value in the problem

Let each problem remind you to be thankful. For problems are possible only because your life has value, meaning, potential and effectiveness.

You won’t solve your problems by fighting them, resenting them, or allowing them to overwhelm you. You’ll solve the problems by engaging and utilizing the good and valuable aspects of your life.

No problem is a reason to feel sorry for yourself. On the contrary, every problem can prompt you to find the best within yourself.

Step up to the opportunity. The more difficult the problem, the more value you’ll be able to create.

Problems often force you to address issues that have needed your attention for a long time. By working through the problem, you end up in a better position than before the problem arose.

Problems demand much of you, and therein lies great value. See the positive possibilities in each problem, and let them motivate you to give your best.

— Ralph Marston

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