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Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
-- Dan Stanford


Monday, April 17, 2017

From this day on

From this day on, you have the opportunity to live better. From this day on, you can make every choice a positive one.

By now you have learned what matters and what doesn’t. Over and over again, you’ve experienced what brings valuable results and what doesn’t.

Today, and every day after, you can put that experience to good use. Informed and inspired by the living of life, you can act to benefit yourself and your whole world.

From this day on, you can make good use of the possibilities in each moment. From this day on, you can be driven by your highest purpose.

Living at your best is never easy, and often is an extreme challenge. Yet today, and each day going forward, you realize it’s your only choice, because what you have to give is so important.

Feel yourself turning decisively away from distractions, excuses and indifference. Feel your commitment, from this day on, to make all of life the best it can be.

— Ralph Marston

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