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Nature knows no pause in progress and development, and attaches her curse on all inaction.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Monday, April 3, 2017

What makes life good

Get good, valuable rewards for your time and effort. Invest your life in what makes life good.

Resentment doesn’t create value, nor do anger, envy, spite. Prompt yourself, when the negative urge comes up, to turn to more positive pursuits.

Love, effort, commitment, kindness, perseverance and integrity, are things that make a life worth living. You already know this throughout your whole being, and it never hurts to be reminded.

The world sometimes can make you feel like a fool for caring so much. But the world at those times is sending a false signal, for caring is always at the heart of who you are.

So let yourself care, and act in the service of all you care about. Keep your life aimed at what is good, what is true, what is right, what you know is best.

Every day you add new substance to your life, to all of life. Make it the kind of substance that truly makes life good.

— Ralph Marston

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