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A leader must have the courage to act against an expert's advice.
-- James Callaghan


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Great value in you

There is great value in you that you ignore, that you forget about because it is so familiar. There is great value in you that you resist because it is too challenging.

You have ideas, inspiration, love, strength, passion, caring. Your life could benefit from pulling it all out into the daylight and making good use of it.

Living well, living true to purpose, is a beautiful, satisfying way to be. It is also a lot of work.

Yet it is well worth the trouble to give your best to life. For what you experience in doing so is nothing short of miraculous.

This troubled world has a way of heaping discouragement on you. The beautiful thing is, you don’t have to respond in kind, for you have the power to make things better.

Spend a quiet moment just feeling the great beneficial value your life has accumulated. Let the energy of that feeling push you forward as you make a real positive difference in the world right now.

— Ralph Marston

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