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Advice is one of those things it is far more blessed to give than to receive.
-- Carolyn Wells


Monday, March 6, 2017

Choose your direction

A ship that’s not underway is at risk of being blown onto the rocks by an onshore wind. Yet when the ship gets moving, the rudder, not the wind, determines where the ship will go.

Do you fear being blown in an undesirable direction by events in the world around you? Then get going, get your ship underway, and choose your own direction.

Just because the world can make you weary and discouraged, doesn’t mean it has to. You can propel your thoughts, your attitude, your actions in a positive direction.

Fill your days with your own efforts, your own passions, your highest values and priorities. The more compelling your objective, the less power anything else has to bring you down.

Invest your energy where it matters, in the good things you can achieve. Direct your focus into the factors you can influence and the places where you can make a difference.

Amid noise, uncertainty, confusion, choose to live with clarity, with purpose and effectiveness. And lead all of life forward by positive example.

— Ralph Marston

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