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The only person you should ever compete with is yourself. You can't hope for a fairer match.
-- Todd Ruthman


Monday, February 20, 2017

Unshakable vision

Your thoughts don’t have to be limited by your situation. Neither do your expectations, your attitude, your enthusiasm, your efforts.

As real and as burdensome as the difficulty may be, you can make it irrelevant in your mind. From that powerful inner perspective, you’ll find ways to transcend the difficulty in the outer world.

Claim the full power of thought, of vision, of imagination, that is available to you. Let that power push you into positive, effective action.

You are not your defeats, you are not your victories. You are the person who can make a new choice in every new moment.

You are not your challenges, you are not your skills. You are the person who can craft a rich and meaningful life out of it all.

Carry always a positive, unshakable vision within you. Feel the beauty of that vision as it leads you to make good things happen no matter what.

— Ralph Marston

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