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The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.
-- Elbert Hubbard


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Learn through challenge

You can do plenty, and yet you are not superhuman. Be realistic about what you can and cannot do.

It is by recognizing your limitations that you begin to transcend them. It is by admitting your weaknesses that you find ways to overcome them.

Being fully aware of your strengths is just as important. It enables you to engage those strengths, to build on them and add to them.

How do you know what you can and cannot do, what your strengths and weaknesses truly are? You learn all this and more by encountering challenge.

Challenge puts you to the test. Challenge shines a bright light on your advantages and shows you exactly where you can use improvement.

The more you challenge yourself, the more you know yourself. And that is an extremely valuable thing to know.

— Ralph Marston

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