virgin islands scene

Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.
-- Seneca


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Precisely what you seek

If you want to get something valuable done, you have to be specific. Achievement is a nice concept, yet the achievement that actually gets done is the one with every detail filled in.

What time, which color, how much, who is the audience, where is it located? Specifics provide the framework upon which you lay your efforts.

You’re capable of just about anything you choose to do. To engage that capability you must define precisely what you seek.

Are you not getting the results you want? Then be more clear about exactly what those desired results are.

No, it’s not always easy to figure out precisely what you wish to do, or have, or say, or be. It is, however, always essential if you wish to reliably create fulfillment.

Get clear, get specific, get focused on exactly what you intend to do. Then your efforts will take you precisely there.

— Ralph Marston

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