virgin islands scene

It's not the having, it's the getting.
-- Elizabeth Taylor


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

No more excuses

Don’t let yourself make any more lame excuses. This is your life, and it is worth the absolute best you can give it.

Every day you face choices, choices, and more choices. Each time you make a choice, don’t allow yourself to take the easy way out.

Instead, make the choices that create value, that make a difference, that improve life. Put out the effort, tolerate the inconvenience to follow through on those choices.

You deserve your highest level of performance, of achievement. And so does this beautiful world where you live.

Excuses bring you nothing but regret. Action, commitment, persistence, integrity, on the other hand, bring the best you can imagine.

Opportunity pervades every moment you enter, so grab it and go with it. Do everyone a favor, including yourself, by filling life with purpose and passion every step of the way.

— Ralph Marston

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