virgin islands scene

To conquer oneself is the noblest and greatest triumph.
-- Plato


Friday, December 30, 2016

Keep at it

If you haven’t achieved the results you seek, you haven’t kept at it long enough. Keep at it, longer, smarter, more focused, more purposeful.

With each attempt you learn, you improve, you get closer. You’re making progress, so keep at it.

If you feel like quitting, remind yourself you’re closer than ever before. Remind yourself, and keep at it.

Apply what you’ve learned, adjust based on the experience you’ve earned. And keep at it.

Keep at it, and take another step in the direction of achievement. Keep at it, and create new value with each action.

Your dreams, your goals, your life all deserve your persistence. Keep at it, and bring your own unique goodness to the world.

— Ralph Marston

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