Friday, December 16, 2016
Choosing your thoughts
The rudder does not move the ship, yet it determines precisely which direction the ship will go. In the same way, your thoughts don’t make anything happen on their own, yet they absolutely determine what you cause to happen.
You’ll find it almost impossible to think one thing and do another. If your thoughts are in any way opposed to your actions, those actions will not be effective.
When you seek to be creative, productive, prosperous, successful, align your thoughts with what you seek. Fill your mind with thoughts of abundance, of possibilities, of achievement, and your actions will create that achievement.
Your thoughts set the course for your day, your year, your life. Your thoughts tell you what to do next, and what to do after that, and after that.
No, your thoughts cannot short-circuit the laws of physics to make a brand-new car appear in your driveway. However, your thoughts can most certainly keep you positively focused and directed enough to reach the goals you’re willing to work toward.
You are constantly choosing your thoughts, and those thoughts are always pointing the way forward. So think love, think fulfillment, think possibilities, think achievement, think positive and think yourself into the best world you can imagine.
Ralph Marston

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