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Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.
-- Voltaire


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Give substance to your vision

Don’t let your best thoughts, ideas, values and feelings remain stuck within you. Give expression, action and fulfillment to them.

You have experiences, perspectives, opinions and insights that are unique to you. Expand their value by sharing them with the world.

Do more than just thinking about the situations, problems, opportunities of life. Get busy doing something about them.

Improve your ideas by putting them out in the world where they can be honed and strengthened by the challenges of real life. Give substance to your vision by transforming it into specific expressions.

Thinking, speculating, analyzing are all highly valuable pursuits. For their value to be realized they must travel beyond your mind and be applied in the real world.

Put great care into what you think. Then put your great thoughts into all you do.

— Ralph Marston

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