Friday, October 28, 2016
Reflected attitude
Rudeness feeds on itself, and so does civility. Your attitude bounces back to you from each person you encounter.
Are you unhappy with what you’re getting? Then improve the quality of what you’re giving.
If you venture into the world with a negative demeanor, you’re certain to encounter negative people. When you choose instead to be generous, caring, respectful, you’re sure to come across others who are the same way.
Consider each person you meet to be a mirror. Keep in mind that if you don’t like what you see in a mirror, it’s not entirely the mirror’s fault.
And what if the other person initiates a negative tone? That’s your opportunity to change the dynamic by reflecting back a more positive response.
Your positive attitude won’t eliminate every conflict, yet it can often make a big difference. Whether it’s reflecting or being reflected, make your attitude bright, positive and helpful.
Ralph Marston

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