Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Time that is here
There is time, and it is now. You have time, and you have it today.
Instead of waiting for the perfect time, make use of this time, this day, this moment. Rather than wishing for more time, use your energy to more richly fill the time that’s here.
Each moment bestows upon you a great opportunity. It is the opportunity to make a difference, in the way you choose, for what you love.
There is time right now to make a little progress. And when you’re done, you’ll have the inspiration, the momentum, and a fresh moment of time with which to do even more.
Don’t hold yourself back by resorting to excuses. Respect, appreciate and make full use of the time that is here, the time that is yours now.
Each moment flowing into your life is worth more than pure gold. See that potential value, make it real, and now, make it yours.
Ralph Marston

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