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Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy.
-- Robert Half


Thursday, October 6, 2016

All the possibilities

You may not be able to move forward in the way you planned. So, move forward some other way.

You may be prevented from going in the direction you intended. Yet there are plenty of other positive directions in which you can go.

Don’t allow yourself to see the obstacles as excuses. See them as opportunities.

Planning is important, but the plan is not the achievement. If the plan doesn’t bring the progress you seek, put your positive energy into another approach.

You absolutely can live the fulfilling life you wish to live. Open yourself to all the possibilities, not just the ones you originally imagined.

Flexibility, creativity, enthusiasm and commitment will get you there. This is an ideal time to put them all to work for you.

— Ralph Marston

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