virgin islands scene

Be sincere; be brief; be seated.
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt


Friday, September 23, 2016

New adventures

There are so many good things you can do, places you can go, people you can meet. Don’t let yourself get stuck in the habit of only doing what is comfortable, what is familiar.

A whole world exists beyond what you already know. Regularly explore some new part of it, physically and intellectually.

Refresh and revitalize yourself with new ideas, new experiences, new situations and new acquaintances. Each day is unique, so fill it with new, unique substance.

It’s easy to retreat to what’s comfortable. But by doing so all the time, you build a prison from which it’s more and more difficult for you to escape.

Opinions, beliefs, relationships, interests, skills and knowledge all benefit from being regularly challenged. Strengthen yourself by venturing beyond what’s familiar.

Get out of the comfortable sameness. Push yourself into new adventures where you’ll add great new richness to your life.

— Ralph Marston

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