virgin islands scene

Rub your eyes and purify your heart ? and prize above all else in the world those who love you and who wish you well.
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Friday, September 16, 2016

Feel good by doing good

It feels good to do good, to be good. It feels good to help, to make a difference, to shine a bit of positive light into the world.

By simply offering a genuine smile, a friendly word, you can make someone else’s day. It will make your day as well.

You have the power to brighten the world. Use that power, and live in that brighter world.

Honest consideration will tell you it really doesn’t feel so good to push people out of your way. No lasting satisfaction comes from abusing or minimizing others.

There’s something that feels much better than winning at the expense of others. It’s winning in a way that benefits all.

Create positive people, positive feelings, positive experiences everywhere you go. Feel good by actually doing good, and make life better for everyone.

— Ralph Marston

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