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Character is much easier kept than recovered.
-- Thomas Paine


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Be a source of joy

Here you are on a beautiful day, filled with positive possibilities. Here you are, to make it even better.

You’re here today to be a source of joy, and to make life better. Allow joy to flow out from you, and experience how great it feels.

Choose to simply laugh off what would normally annoy you. Overwhelm the situation with your own joyful smile, kind words and thoughtful actions.

Be of service, be helpful, just because if feels so good and right. Put a smile on your face, in your voice and in your thoughts, and watch as your joyful expression spreads far beyond you.

Decide to enjoy what you’re doing, whatever it may be. People all around you will pick up on that joy and send it back to you in even greater measure.

Fill your heart with joy by filling the world with joy. Be a source of joy today, and experience life at its best.

— Ralph Marston

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