virgin islands scene

Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.
-- Seneca


Monday, September 12, 2016

Live gracefully

Live life gracefully rather than fighting against it. Take the path of peace, of strength, of confidence.

To live with wisdom, understand you don’t have all the answers, and no person does. To live with strength, accept and value life as it is, as it comes.

To embed confidence in every activity, know that you already are enough, already have enough to begin making progress. To sustain success, see that the more you lift others up, the more your own life is lifted.

To fill your world with joy, rise above shallow, superficial concerns of ego. Give your attention, your energy to what matters, to all you love.

This day, choose to be rich in the substance of real life. Be authentic in your richness.

Live with grace, with integrity. And live in a way that satisfies the deepest part of you.

— Ralph Marston

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