virgin islands scene

Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
-- Mark Twain


Friday, August 19, 2016

In the midst of it all

Every moment, new flowers bloom. Fresh saplings rise from moist ground, destined to be towering oaks one day.

Around the world, new love takes hold. Through joy and despair, success and setback, love grows stronger.

People you’ll never know work to advance your life in ways you can’t possibly realize. Life continues to gain new knowledge, and even a little wisdom.

On the outside, everyone seems drawn to all things flimsy and superficial. Deep inside grows a longing for meaning, for substance, for making a difference.

Stars, planets, moons, galaxies drift silently, endlessly. Space, time, energy and possibilities have no discernible limit, and then they expand even more.

Here you are in the midst of it all, able to choose what to do. Pause, consider, and make each choice worthy of all that makes it possible.

— Ralph Marston

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