Saturday, August 13, 2016
If you fail to get your way
If you fail to get your way, don’t let it get you down. Take what is, what has happened, what you have, and make the choice to move forward.
It’s great to set positive intentions and to make them happen. Yet if a particular intention does not happen, it’s not the end of the world.
Disappointment reminds you of what you care about, and helps you learn from what went wrong. Feel the disappointment, absorb its benefits, then let it go.
There’s nothing to be gained by extending your disappointment. There’s nothing to be gained by feeling sorry for yourself or seeking the sympathy of others.
Instead, transform disappointment into determination. Use the energy of that determination to be more effective at bringing your next intention to life.
Disappointment is a powerful feeling. Whenever it comes along, choose to use its power in a positive way.
Ralph Marston

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