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If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.
-- Margaret Thatcher


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Powerful momentum

You’ve done a great deal. Now, challenge yourself to do more.

You’ve created some powerful momentum. Now, let that momentum pull you even faster ahead.

You’ve had a breakthrough. Pile new value on top of that breakthrough by working to move forward.

You have just experienced how great it feels to make real progress. Keep that great feeling going.

It’s easy to become smug, complacent, to rationalize that you’ve already done enough. What’s far better, though, is to immediately set your sights on the next challenge.

Now is your opportunity to build on what you’ve already done. Grab that opportunity, and amaze the world with how much further you can go.

— Ralph Marston

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