Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Achieve all over again
Learn as though all you already know is worthless. Work as though you have no accumulated success to fall back upon.
Do not waste your future being prideful about your past. See each new level of success as a launching pad, not as a resting place.
Comfort and complacency will steal your best possibilities if you let them. Do not let them.
Don’t be deceived by the fantasy that an idea or concept, opinion or perspective is worthwhile just because it is yours. Welcome challenge, welcome criticism, and gain great strength by working through it all.
As you acquire more knowledge, the challenge to keep that knowledge relevant grows greater. As you gain more success you must work with even more diligence to build upon that success.
The moment you think you have all the answers, your efforts are doomed. Instead, greet each new day not with complacency, but with eagerness to step beyond the past, to learn and achieve all over again.
— Ralph Marston

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