virgin islands scene

Hope is patience with the lamp lit.
-- Tertullian


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Decide you will

Decide you will, and then do what you decide. Set an intention, direct the power of your focus and skills at it, and make it happen.

You were born to achieve, are equipped to achieve. Deep within is an insatiable itch to make a difference.

Scratch that itch, again and again. Give yourself the satisfaction of achievement, and give the world new value.

Decide you will, and make it your mission. Decide you will, and keep going until you’ve done it.

Watching achievement from afar is not enough. Do yourself the great favor of participating in the process.

Live life the way that fulfills your deepest desires, by using each day to make a positive difference. Decide what that difference will be, and do the work to make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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